Friday, April 27, 2012

Week One!


Havana: Mama, I want to play with you.
Me: Oh, honey, I would love to play with you, but I'm making dinner right now.
Havana: Mama, I want to play trains with you in the playroom. Please?
Me: Baby, I'm making dinner... can you bring some trains in here and play them at my feet?
Havana: yes...  (she does so and then a few minutes later... )  Look mommy, I'm busy.
What did you say, love?
Havana: I said, look mommy, I'm busy now.

Okay, I'm not sure if you have had a conversation like that with your child, but tonight I had that very conversation and it was my first of its kind. To say it broke my heart would be an understatement. Perhaps better stated, it broke my heart and slapped me upside the head. As I have reflected on that tonight, I wonder how many times has she asked me to play with her and my response has been, "wait a minute, honey, I'm busy." Busy! With what? Sure, there are times a chore around the house can't wait, her brother's dirty diaper can't wait, and dinner can't wait. I understand that, but I'm convicted tonight knowing that not everything on my "to-do" list needs to be accomplished before I sit down and play with my daughter. As I skimmed the Gospels tonight I reminded that wherever Jesus went - crowds of people followed needing something from Him. And guess what? He always had time for their problems. Matthew 12:15 says, "... Jesus withdrew from that place. Many followed him, and he healed all their sick."

What a heart for people our Jesus had. I strive to show my children the love of Jesus and yet I often let little things get in the way of simply being with them. Havana wasn't asking me to heal the cut on her leg... she was asking me to play trains. Certainly, I don't want my daughter to believe the world revolves around her, but I don't want her to think her mother is "too busy" to play with her because Jesus was never too busy for others. My challenge this week is to plan times when I can play with each child individually throughout the day. One way this can happen for me is if I prepare dinners the night before in order to save an hour each afternoon, but for you it might look totally different. What chore can be postponed until nap time or bedtime? What e-mail response do you need to write that can wait? Let's give our children intentional time this week. (And for those of you with older children, I am certain this still applies... call up your child simply to ask them about their day, their spouse... just give them your attention and let them lead the direction of the conversation).

Sweet Jesus, thank You for your example of always giving to others. I am sorry for the times when I put simple or selfish things above spending time with my children. Aside from You and my spouse there is nothing that should require more of my energy and focus. Please help me say to insignificant things, "Not right now, I'm too busy investing in my child." rather than it being the other way around. Grant me discipline to sit down and play/talk when I think I should be sweeping the floor. Help me be a Mary towards You, my spouse, and my children in this Martha world. Amen.

For the Love Of My Children:
Father God, You tell us in Your Word that Your hand is upon everyone who looks to You (Ezra 8:22), and I pray that my children would look to only You for their Salvation. I pray they would seek You with all of their hearts because You promise if they do so that they will find You (Jeremiah 29:13). Lord, in this world our children will hear so many lies about Jesus and Salvation and I pray that they will not let anyone lead them astray (1 John 3:7) or put their trust in mortal men who cannot save (Psalm 146:3). Instead I pray that they would stand firm in the truth that Salvation is found in no one other than Jesus Christ and that there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). I pray all of these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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