Friday, May 25, 2012

Week 5!


This past week as I was praying for my children to crave the Bible - I fell in love with Acts 17:11 which reads, "... they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."  As I was praying for my children to do exactly that... I had to ask myself, "is that me?" -- yes, it is what I want for my children, but is that me? Do I examine the Scriptures daily? Do I take lessons I'm learning in church, in Bible study, and in conversations with friends and compare them to the Word to make sure what I'm being taught is truth? Sadly, not always. Which leads me to my challenge for this week. I can't realistically ask/expect/pray for my children to do things that I don't do or am unwilling to do. In this example, it is studying the Scriptures daily, but this is true in other areas as well. Examples of this is spiritual areas might be: being faithful in my daily quiet time, demonstrating self control (even when I'm tired), not gossiping, etc. Another example in my life, that is not spiritually related, is in regards to what I eat. I don't like vegetables and so rarely eat them, but I do make my children eat them with their dinner. So, from now on I'll make myself eat my veggies before grabbing a cookie in order to keep the the mentality that I wouldn't ask my children to do something that I am unwilling to do myself. In what ways does this apply to you? Spiritually and in other areas? This is a very broad challenge and one that we can keep working at in several different areas, but oh how our children will be blessed to have us walking along side them as we slowly become more like the people we want them to be!

Father God, thank You for using my children to draw me into a deeper relationship with You. I ask that as my children study Your Word and learn to be obedient in all areas - may I, likewise, do the same. As I'm guiding them, help me live an authentic life where the things I am teaching are lived out in my own life. I love You Lord and it is in Your Son's name that I pray.  Amen.

For the Love of My Children:
Oh Jesus, thank You for the promise that You have summoned each  of us by name (Isaiah 43:1).  I pray that my children would have ears to hear You (Matthew 11:15).  Lord, You repeatedly called for Samuel (1 Samuel 3) and  I pray that, likewise, You would actively pursue my children until they recognize and respond to Your voice. But my prayer doesn't stop there, Lord. I beg that even after my children accept You as their Savior - they would continue to listen intently for Your voice. May they will live such quiet lives that Your voice does not compete with anything...  may it never be lost, muted, interrupted, or forgotten. As Your Spirit guides them, grant them the desire and discipline to always respond quickly to You with "Here I am, Lord, speak for Your servant is listening." (Isaiah 6:8, 1 Samuel 3:10). I ask all these things in Your name. Amen.

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