Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 10!

This week as I was reading in Exodus I had a revelation. In chapter 3, after Moses sees the burning bush, he pauses and then goes over to see the bush and it says in verse 4, "When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush..." -- I don't know why that stuck out to me, but I guess in my mind I always pictured the Lord calling for Moses from the beginning and so as Moses saw the burning bush he also heard God. However, that isn't how it happened. He saw the bush, paused, went over, and then the Lord spoke to him.
This made me ask myself, "how often am I missing burning bushes in my life?" I don't always live my life as someone who "has time" to stop when there might be a burning bush. Now, if it was God's voice - sure that would stop me, but merely the sight of a burning bush - I don't have time for that. As soon as my feet hit the floor I'm chasing, feeding, and corralling children. We're running (late) to a meeting, from a playgroup, stopping at the grocery, etc... how many times have I been wanting a word from the Lord and yet I never took the time to stop to inquire about a burning bush He has placed in my life.
I think this challenge for me is applicable to parenting for two reasons. The first is common for parenting devotions, but is always a good reminder... we are setting an example for our children. If my children see me continually going then most likely they will live lives that are constantly on the go and when I think of all the burning bushes I might have missed - I don't want them to miss them in their lives! So, I need to start planning margin and space into my days. I need to teach my children, by example, to be inquiring about different ways the Lord might be working.
The second reason is simply because my children will often be the burning bushes that I'm overlooking. How often do I miss moments for my children to show me more about the Lord simply because I'm too busy (or tired). Just last night Jonah woke me up in the middle of the night and I was sitting on his bean bag snuggling with him for a little bit. Instead of drifting off to sleep like I normally do during my middle of the night snuggle times... I asked the Lord, "is this a burning bush?" and I made an effort to pause and wait. And do you know what? The Lord showed up and Jonah's bean bag became holy ground! My challenge, then, is to practice paying attention for those burning bushes, inquire about them, and then to wait on the Lord to speak. I believe that in doing so we will set a good example for our children and we will be awakened to extraordinary things in the midst of the ordinary.

Dear Lord, thank You for personally investing in my life. I am sorry for the times when I don't make time for You. Teach me to manage my time better. In doing so, I pray that I will set a good example for my children. Please use them to teach me and show me more about You and Your amazing love! In Jesus' Name. Amen. 

For the Love of My Children:
Jesus, when You lived on the earth You made healing a crucial part of Your ministry and it is because of Your ability to heal every disease and sickness (Mark 9:35) that I come before you now to ask for healing and wellness in each of my children -all the days of their lives. Lord, as parents, we would much rather have any sickness ourselves than to watch our child suffer and You know more about that than I will ever know and I thank You for understanding this plea. It doesn't matter if it is just the common cold or something as serious as cancer, Lord, I pray You will be my child's Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals (Exodus 15:26). Heal them, Lord, and they will be healed (Jeremiah 17:14). Touch my child's body and take away any virus, infection, auto-immune disorder, chemical imbalance, or disease that is plaguing my child. I pray that my children would never know cancer or any other life threatening disease in their youth or as adults. Keep them healthy, Lord, and keep me from being anxious over their health knowing that You are the ultimate healer and that you save us from every plague that destroys (Psalm 91:3,6). I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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