Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 13!

Starting back in December, my son Jonah started waking up in the middle of the night crying. This became frequent and soon progressed to him crying hysterically when we would put him down for bed. We were left puzzled by this new phase and unsure what to do. It finally got to a point where Jonah would get anxious about entering his room even during the day. My husband's work schedule kept him away many nights in January and so I often put the children down by myself. I would always put Jonah down last and as I was getting him ready  for bed... I can't really articulate it, but there was darkness present in his room. I could feel it in my spirit and I simply had to pray when I was in there. I mentioned this to Jason a few different times and he ended up seeking council about it with a trusted man of God. This man looked right at Jason and without hesitation he said, "Satan wants Jonah." Jason came home with a resolve that we will fight Satan tooth and nail because he will not have our son.

The challenge and the prayer will be combined this week. For my challenge, I need to be aware at just how active the devil is in my family's life. Ephesians 6:12 tells us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." While we have been aggressive in fighting Satan over Jonah (which I'm thankful to report has solved all his anxiety!) we have not been as equally active in praying over and anointing Havana or Selah's rooms because they aren't being scared at night, but that doesn't mean Satan isn't after them... we know he is. I need to be more mindful that while I have hopes and dreams and prayers for my children - Satan does as well. He as an agenda for my family and it is the complete opposite of my agenda (and even more important God's agenda)! I need to be much more active in battling him over my children today and every day!

(there isn't one prayer I can write to cover all of this, but here is the basic prayer that can be used to launch into your own prayers specific to your family):
Father God, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ I ask you to come and protect my children. Protect them from the Evil One. Protect them from his lies and schemes. I know we were bought with the blood of Jesus (Acts 20:28) and I ask for it to be sprinkled over my children, their rooms, and their thoughts. Like Jesus, I exclaim, "Away from my children, Satan" (Matthew 4:10).  I bind Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, from my family. From the windows and doors of my house - specifically in each of their rooms. From my children's thoughts, their dreams, their hearts, their spirits. From their closets to the shadows in their rooms... Satan has no power here. He cannot have my children and I command him to flee from here in the name of Jesus. I ask You to put a hedge of protection around each of my children and send your angels to guard our house. I love you, Lord, and I lay my family at Your feet knowing that  You will keep us safe. We submit our lives to You, Lord, help us resist the devil so that he will flee from us (James 4:7). Thank You, Lord, for Your protection and watchful eye. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.   

Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 12!

This past winter we had a solid month of children being sick. That time made me become much more prayerful for my children and I realized just how many opportunities I have throughout the day to pray for my children which I never took advantage of before. Yesterday, as I was giving my children a bath, I began reading my Bible out loud to them. It wasn't a children's Bible or any particular story, but I simply flipped pages and read while they splashed in the tub. Again, it was as if a light bulb when off in my head and I thought, "why am I not doing this more often?" I have so many chances during the day to pray for my children and wash them with the Word, but I don't take advantage of them, and half the time I don't even think about the need or notice the opening. What a revelation!

My challenge, then, is to work in prayer and God's Word even more into the lives of my children this week. I want to redeem my time with them. I don't merely want to sing nursery rhymes with them, but to explain how those rhymes can point back to our Creator (after singing twinkle twinkle little star I can talk about how God created all the stars, etc). I want to praise my children for their gifts and talents, but then mention ways in which God might use them for His glory. I want to pray for my children every time my hands are on them (hugs, diaper changes, doing hair, etc). The Enemy allows for so many distractions in the every day life and I desire to take those moments and turn them into worshipful moments!

Precious Lord, thank You for the gift of parenting. Help me as I redeem my time with my children. Open my eyes to all the opportunities to speak Your truth into their lives. May I be a more prayerful and intentional mother and help me be the parent You have called me to be - one that is in the world, but not of the world. In Christ Jesus I pray these things. Amen.

Lord, I pray that my children's hearts would not be a bare path, a rocky place, or full of thorns. Instead, I ask that You would help their hearts be good soil so that when they hear the Word they will understand it. Allow Your Word to produce a crop in their lives that would yield a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. I pray that they would see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts and turn to You for their hope and salvation. Heal them, Lord (Matthew 13:1-23). I ask all of these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.