Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 17!

Challenge:The body of believers is such a beautiful thing. There are so many reasons why the author of Hebrews encourages us to "not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25). A few days ago this verse came alive to me, yet again, in church as I was chatting with a friend who has two children. One has her same personality and the other doesn't. She told me how she specifically prayed for the Lord to show her ways to invest in and pray for her son whose personality is the opposite of her own.

I thought that was very wise and it made me realize that while I pray certain things for all three of my children (i.e. that they would love the Lord, believe the Bible's truth in today's society, to remain pure, etc.) and I pray for each child individually based on the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual struggles I see in their lives. I have never asked the Lord to show me how to relate to and pray for each child individually.

No two children are the same. They have different personalities, interests, love languages, and skills. It makes sense that each child might have different spiritual gifts that the Lord has given them to serve others and to help them connect with Him and His holy Word. While my heart's desire is for my children is to know, love, and obey the Lord; I should be asking God, who knows them better than I do, how I can make that prayer request for my children more applicable for each child on an individual level. My challenge will be to listen to the Lord as He answers my prayers on how to best relate to, invest in, and pray for each of my children.

Father God, You are familiar with all of our ways (Psalm 139:3) and so I look to You to educate me on my own children. Lord, help me become even more familiar with all of their ways. Direct me in how to best instruct and relate to each of them. May I never assume that the ways I connect with You are going to be the ways they connect with You. Give me spiritual eyes to see the gifts and talents You have instilled in them and grant me the wisdom to help them apply Your Word to their daily lives. Teach me all about my children, I pray, and show me the areas I need to be interceding on their behalf. Thank You, Lord, for being an active, involved, and personal God. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

This week, let's connect the challenge and the prayer. I won't be able to write out a prayer that will be applicable to us all, but let's
spend time praying for each of our children, by name, as the Lord leads us. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to learning more about my children as I pray for them the things the Lord shows me. What a mighty God we serve! 

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